Accelerated evolution of convective simulations


High-Peclet-number, turbulent convection is a classic system with a large timescale separation between flow speeds and the thermal relaxation time. In this paper, we present a method of fast-forwarding through the long thermal relaxation of convective simulations, and we test the validity of this method. This accelerated evolution (AE) method involves measuring the dynamics of convection early in a simulation and using its characteristics to adjust the mean thermodynamic profile within the domain toward its evolved state. We study Rayleigh-Bénard convection as a test case for AE. Evolved flow properties of AE solutions are measured to be within a few percent of solutions which are reached through standard evolution (SE) over a full thermal diffusion timescale. At the highest values of the Rayleigh number at which we compare SE and AE, we find that AE solutions require roughly an order of magnitude fewer computing hours to evolve than SE solutions.

Physical Review Fluids